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Owl on My Shoulder

January 2024. A drawing, brief narrative, and poem about owls, ancestors, and grief. A guest post on “seventysomething.” Find it here.

A Conversation on Art & Spirituality

December 2022. I join Susie Kaufman on her blog, “seventy something,” to discuss my art and its underpinnings:
Art & Spirituality

2022 Drawn from Within

Solo show at The Oxbow Gallery

2019 In-Dwelling at Oxbow Gallery

Solo exhibit at The Oxbow Gallery, Northampton, MA, November 2019, included gallery talk on 11/17/19.


Exhibit: Diving In: Water, the Unconscious, and Creative Process, The Sanford Gallery at Zea Mays Printmaking Studios, Northampton, MA. October 2018

Exhibit: Through a Feminine Lens, The Connector Gallery at Kimball Farms, Lenox, MA. October-November 2018

Exhibit: Berkshires x 4: Dai Ban, Charles Schweigert, Rosemary Starace, and Elmer Orobio, The Connector Gallery at Kimball Farms, Lenox, MA. December 2018-January 2019

Exhibit: The Illuminated Broadside, curated by Julio Granda, The Connector Gallery at Kimball Farms, Lenox, MA. August-September 2018 (featuring my poem “Fifty Grackles” on a broadside from Elephant Tree House Press.)


Ovunque Siamo
My dresses and a statement in the form of a poem appear in Volume 1, Issue 2 of this journal that features Italian-American creative writing and art.

Ovunque Siamo title & image

Italian Americana
Cultural and Historical Review
My poem Undone appeared in Volume XXXV, Number 2, Summer 2017.

Views from the Deep World at BCC
My show, Views from the Deep World, is on display at the Koussevitzsky Gallery at Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield, MA,
March 13 through April 6, 2017. Gallery Hours M-F, 9-5.

Announcement card, Views from the Deep World Exhibit, BCC 2017


Announcing the publication of Unseen Avenue by Argotist Ebooks, May 2016. Available here for viewing and free download.

“In her wildly inventive Unseen Avenue, Rosemary Starace has achieved that which might seem nearly impossible—making the experience of reading a digital text seem tactile and intimate. Exploring the creative process through a re-imagining of Julia Cameron’s ‘The Artist’s Way,’ Starace has threaded a lantern on a rope down into the places that only this peculiar combination of mediums can reach. You feel as if you’re standing in front of a canvas, or alone in a room with a book made of real paper you can feel in your hands: grooves, edges and all. With humor, intelligence and evident pleasure, she has made a work that cannily requires intense engagement and allows moments of cool remove in turn. My own favorite passage:
it’s best to just admit / that / daily / abandoning / “I can’t be / “I can’t pursue / “I can’t / This form of grandiosity / Who can concentrate on / love / with this / worrying
I will read this beautiful book over and over again.”
–Carolyn Guinzio, author of Spine


Taking part in the panel, A Language for the Unknown, at the 2016 Massachusetts Poetry Festival with Ellen Goldstein (moderator) and Heather Hughes. May 1, 1 pm, Hawthorne Hotel, Salem, MA.

Panel description: Careful observation, precise language, and a fascination with what poet and science writer Alison Hawthorne Deming calls “the unknown” are some of the commonalities between poetry and science. This panel examines the ways in which the two disciplines inform and inspire each other. How can astronomy, geology, or biology illuminate a relationship or expose human truth in poetry? How does a fact become a metaphor when it crosses the science/poetry border? How do curiosity and imagination play out in both arenas? Using their own poetry as well as examples from other poets and scientists, Heather Hughes, Rosemary Starace, and Ellen Goldstein discuss how science figures in their search for poetic meaning and “the unknown.”


Annunciation: Sixteen Contemporary Poets Consider Mary
Very pleased to be included in this beautiful anthology published in November 2015 by Phoenicia Press in Montreal, illustrated and edited by Beth Adams.

“A beautiful book that’s more human and personal than religious, in which the enigmatic and universal figure of Mary helps us find common ground.”

Includes poetry by Ivy Alvarez, Rachel Barenblat, Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Kristin Berkey-Abbott, Chana Bloch, Leila Chatti, Luisa A. Igloria, Mohja Kahf, Vivian Lewin, Vinicius de Moraes (Natalie d’Arbeloff, trans.), Roderick Robinson, Nic Sebastian, Claudia Serea, Purvi Shah, Rosemary Starace, and Marly Youmans

Cover of Annunciation, ed. Beth Adams, Phoenicia Publishing, Montreal

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